
Monday, April 30, 2012

Seminario, 19 de mayo / Next Seminar, May 19

Día: 19 de mayo de 2012
Horario: 10:30 a 14:30 y de 16:30 a 21:00
Lugar: c/Vell de Sant Celoni 4B
08470 Campins (Autopista AP-7, salida 11, Sant Celoni)
Precio: 150 euros

Sunday, April 29, 2012

How to Bring Joy into your Life, followup to Dr. Mohanambal's Lokhandwala talk

The following suggestions are very simple, but can transform your life!

Live every day with gratitude. Every morning when you wake up, be sure to remember all the lovely things we have, the beautiful sun, the stars, the abundant gifts of the Universe. Say to yourself "I choose to make this the happiest, most joyful day, with good health in body, mind and spirit".

Be Aware. What are you thinking right at this moment? Learn to be aware in the present moment.

A happy day.  Every morning, you can decide to have a happy day, or a day full of problems.  Press the "happy button"! Plan a good day for yourself and all your loved ones. Make yourself a trigger word, whenever you think the word "lighten up", you will feel yourself relaxed and smiling.

A simple meditation. Imagine that you are walking on the beach beside the sea with a heavy bag on your back, full of all the problems of those around you. You are breathing hard, you can hardly walk. Decide to connect with the Universe, with the Divine Mother, let the bag drop, start running and jumping with joy, and never look back!  In the Bhagawad Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that "we have to carry our own baggage."

Love yourself. Our belief systems, taught to us by our families and by structured religions, keep us from evolving. We don't want to love ourselves or we feel that it is "selfish". If you don't love yourself, how can you love others with an open heart? Be a first class YOU rather than a second class SOMEONE ELSE. Spend a little time with yourself every day, massaging every part of your body with love, placing your hands over your eyes and relaxing them deeply, relaxing, removing all the tension of the day.

Learn to use simple mudras that can help you relax, protect you from negativity, and help avoid health problems. download pdf for photos and +info

Wear beautiful colours! We are connected with all the colours, VIBGIOR or the 7 colours of the spectrum of light. Pay attention to the clothes that you wear, bring colour into your life.

Learn to use natural aromas for health and protection. Simple kitchen remedies, the herbs and the plants that we eat can give us a healthy, happy life.  To learn about some simple every-day health tips based on Ayurveda and adapted to our contemporary lifestyle, download +info Ayurvedic Remedies

Hug a tree! The positive energy of plants can help to take away negative energy, and leave us feeling joyful and happy. Take in the beautiful green of chlorophyll through your eyes. It will improve your eyesight and relax your eyes and face, making you feel young and fresh. Walk barefoot in the dew on the grass in the early morning to relax and improve your eyesight.

Laughter is therapy! Age is not age, believe that you will be eternally youthful, you decide!

More links:

Facial Yoga
Acupression for rejuvenation
Recent books by Dr. Mohanambal 
Yoga Nidra guided meditation 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nou per Sant Jordi / New Books This Spring

Secretos del Ayurveda propone una forma de vivir siguiendo los principios del Ayurveda, la ciencia médica milenaria de la India, y ofrece caminos intuitivos y adaptables a cada caso para mantanernos jóvenes y y saludables. Enseña a comprender la relación existente entre el cuerpo, la mente y el espírtu, así como a fomentar el equilibrio y la armonía del hombre con la naturaleza. Nos introduce a los doshas  o humores, que son los diferentes tipos de constitución corporal que nos definen, mientras se focaliza en la salud del ser humano a todos los niveles. Incluye instrucciones prácticas para cuidar de nuestro cuerpo y de nuestra conexión espiritual con el Universo. 


The Goddess Returns is the story of a girl with a dream. It is the story of Amita who was born into an influential family, but from a very young age experienced the realization that the place of a girl in post-independence Indian society was that of a second-class citizen.  As a young woman she traveled the world, learning and using her experience to become a prodigious doctor. Through a powerful mix of faith and science she established herself as an individual who could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best and brightest - irrespective of their origins. This is the story of Shakti’s daughter, a very special girl who inherited the powerful feminine energy of the Goddess and who embraced this positive, creative force in order to dedicate her life to working for the healing and transformation of the people she touched, especially for the empowerment of all women.  

Las piedras preciosas o gemas han fascinado al ser humano desde tiempos inmemoriales. Nuestros antepasados eran conscientes de que las piedras no son únicamente bonitas joyas, sino que nos conectan con la energía del cosmos. Las gemas poseen poderes que pueden proporcionarnos suerte, salud y felicidad. Aprender a aprovechar sus propiedades, como saber cuál es la piedra idónea para cada ocasión o de qué modo podemos beneficiarnos de sus poderes curativos, requiere una combinación de saber y percepción. Este libro contiene información fascinante sobre diversos tipos de piedras, y conecta las tradiciones con el pensamiento científico contemporáneo.  Este libro es una celebración de nuestra relación con la naturaleza, y nos recuerda con alegría que estamos íntimamente vinculados con todo cuanto hay en el planeta.  

Todos los libros en Castellano se pueden comprar directamente de Dra. Mohanambal, o en Casa del Libro, Barcelona. Ademas, estan distribuidos online por FNAC y Amazon España. 
FNAC online:

CD en venta directamente por Dra. Mohanambal. /  For sale directly by Dr. Mohanambal.
Information about books in English

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Video - Conferencia Fira d'Alimentacio i Salut, Lleida

IV Fira d’Alimentació i Salut  que organitza Slow Food Terres de Lleida amb la col·laboració de la Dolça Revolució de les Plantes Medicinals els dies 26 i 27 de novembre al pavelló 4 del recinte firal dels Camps Elisis de Lleida.

Dra. Mohanambal - conferencia 27 de noviembre a las 12h